Riviera Beach Nursing Home Bedsore Injury Lawyers

Dedicated Nursing Home Pressure Ulcer Injury Attorneys in Riviera Beach, FL, Help Families Seek Compensation and Justice for Loved Ones Suffering from Bedsores in Nursing Homes in Palm Beach County and Throughout Florida

As people age, mobility issues can put them at risk of developing a pressure ulcer, also known as a bedsore. Nursing home staff should provide care to residents that reduces the risks of a pressure ulcer injury. However, carelessness and neglect can lead to a resident developing a life-threatening pressure ulcer injury. When your loved one has suffered a pressure ulcer injury due to the negligence of nursing home staff, let the nursing home pressure ulcer injury attorneys in Riviera Beach, FL, from Dominick Cunningham & Yaffa help you pursue financial compensation and justice for your loved one. Contact us today for a free initial claim evaluation to discuss your rights and options with our legal team.

What Is a Bedsore/Pressure Ulcer?

A bedsore or pressure ulcer is a skin lesion caused by prolonged pressure on a body spot, usually over a bony prominence such as the tailbone, hips, ankles, and elbows. Individuals with limited mobility have a higher risk of developing a pressure ulcer since they may need to rely on others to help them move, shift, or reposition to prevent bedsores.

When left untreated, a pressure ulcer will progress through four stages of severity:

  • Stage 1: The skin remains intact but appears red in color. The skin may also feel abnormally firm/soft or hot/cool to the touch. The affected area may also cause pain when touched.
  • Stage 2: The skin begins to break, appearing as a shallow, pink-colored open sore. In some cases, the wound may instead form a blister.
  • Stage 3: Damage has penetrated through the skin through to the lower fat layer. The wound will have a foul odor and emit pus or other fluids.
  • Stage 4: The wound has reached down to the underlying muscle, tendon, and bone.

What Causes Pressure Ulcers?

Pressure ulcers most frequently occur when bony protrusions under the skin press against a bed or chair that a person sits or lies in, cutting off blood flow to the skin around the bony protrusion. If nursing home staff fail to regularly move or reposition a resident with severe mobility restrictions, the resident may begin to form a pressure ulcer. A wound may become worse as the skin degrades and sticks to a bedsheet or piece of clothing, which can tear off the skin when a resident is finally moved. Sweat, urine, and feces can also accelerate the breaking down of the skin over a pressure ulcer.

Compensation Available in a Nursing Home Bedsore Injury Claim

When a loved one has developed a bedsore injury due to their nursing home’s negligence, your family can pursue compensation for your loved one’s financial and personal loss, including for:

  • Costs of medical treatment or rehabilitation to repair the injury
  • Physical pain and anguish
  • Emotional trauma and distress
  • Loss of quality of life due to disability or disfigurement/permanent scarring

Neligence by nursing home staff can easily lead to catastrophic, life-threatening bedsore injuries for residents. When your loved one has suffered a pressure ulcer injury due to nursing home negligence, let our firm pursue the justice and compensation your loved one and family deserve by:

  • Investigating your loved one’s case to obtain evidence of negligence or legal fault, including treatment records, staffing reports, or eyewitness testimony
  • Identifying parties potentially at fault or liable for your loved one’s injury
  • Documeting your loved one’s and family’s ongoing and future anticipated expenses
  • Relentlessly pursuing accountability and compensation for your family through a negotiated settlement or by taking your case to court and trial, if necessry

If your loved one has suffered injuries or medical complications due to a pressure ulcer caused by their nursing home’s negligence, get experienced legal help to pursue accountability for the harm your loved one has endured. Contact Dominick Cunningham & Yaffa today for a free, no-obligation consultation to learn how our Rivera Beach nursing home bedsore injury lawyers will fight to obtain justice for your loved one and secure the compensation they need for their recovery.

About Riviera Beach, FL

Riviera Beach is a city located along the Florida coastline in Palm Beach County. Incorporated in 1922, Riviera Beach was initially called “Oak Lawn,” before changing its name to “Riviera” in the late 19th century and adding “Beach” in 1941. The community switched from a town to a city form of government in 1959. Because of its location on the Atlantic Ocean, Riviera Beach enjoys sandy beaches on the portion of the city on Singer Island, along with one of the country’s most popular shore diving sites along Blue Herron Bridge. Riviera Beach is also home to the Port of Palm Beach, Florida’s fourth-busiest container port.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, around one in ten nursing home residents suffer from a pressure ulcer injury each year. Residents under 65 and residents staying in a nursing home for under a year were more likely to develop pressure ulcers.