Florida Pool Accidents and Drowning Child Injury Lawyer

While pools can bring a family a lot of fun on hot summer days, pool accidents can occur and lead to injuries and drowning. Florida state law allows those injured in pool accidents to pursue compensation from at-fault parties if unsafe conditions contribute to the injury.

If your child suffers a serious injury in such an event, contact a skilled Florida pool accidents and drowning child injury lawyer. A qualified child injury lawyer can help you understand Florida’s liability laws, uncover evidence that can strengthen your claim, and negotiate with opposing lawyers for compensation for you and your family.

Recoverable Damages

It is vital for the parent of an injured child to understand the kinds of damages for which they can be compensated. Standard personal injury claims, like those associated with pool accidents and drowning child injuries, typically deal with two categories of recoverable damages: economic and non-economic harms.

Possible examples of economic harm in pool accidents involving children include medical bills, the cost of medical equipment that must be added to the injured person’s home, and sometimes the estimated value lost as a result of the child missing future work opportunities. Conversely, non-economic damages do not directly affect the family’s financial status and are much more subjective. These harms may include the child’s physical pain and the mental trauma that follows.

In Florida, there is no limit to the amount someone can recover for these damages. To better understand their potential avenues for compensation, parents whose children were injured under these circumstances are advised to contact a Florida lawyer with experience in pool accidents and drowning child injury cases.

Understanding Negligence

According to Florida Statutes §768.81, the percentage of negligence attributed to an injured person directly affects the amount of compensation they can receive. Unlike some states, however, Florida still allows injured people to recover compensation for their damages if they are partially—or even primarily—responsible for a pool accident.

Whatever percentage of fault is assigned to the injured child or their parents by the court, that same percentage would be taken out of their potential compensation. For example, if a pool accident results in a significant drowning child injury and the family are found to be 20 percent liable for the accident, any compensation they received would be reduced by 20 percent as well. A pool accidents and drowning child injury attorney in Florida can discuss how comparative fault may impact an individual plaintiff’s case.

Speak to a Florida Pool Accidents and Drowning Child Injury Attorney Today

If your child is injured in a pool accident, you may be entitled to significant compensation on their behalf from the landowner or person responsible for the safety of the property. A skilled legal representative may be able to help you file a claim within the four-year deadline set by the state statute of limitations and handle the inner workings of your case.

Dedicated legal counsel could help relieve the legal burden on you and your family and allow you to be with your child as they recover from their injuries. Let a compassionate Florida pool accidents and drowning child injury lawyer help you today.