Florida Child Injuries at School Lawyer

If your child was injured in an incident at school, you should know your rights and those of your loved one. The school could be liable for your child’s injuries, even if it is run by the government as a public institution.An experienced Florida child injuries at school lawyer can evaluate your situation to determine whether your family could be entitled to compensation to cover medical bills, pain and suffering, and other consequences of the injury. With a qualified child injury attorney’s assistance, you can recover financially for both short-term losses and long-term needs.

Causes of Injuries at School

Students can suffer injuries at school as a result of many different types of accidents. In situations where the school is at fault, the school administration or the entity responsible for the premises may incur liability.

A Florida child injuries at school attorney may be able to assist with pursuing compensation for injuries caused by:

  • Slippery floors
  • Frayed electrical wiring or other dangerous building conditions
  • Unsafe playground equipment
  • Harm caused by other students or by staff
  • Unsanitary conditions
  • Exposure to toxic materials

For any of these incidents, it would be necessary to prove that negligence on the part of school employees caused harm in order to recover damages.

Duties of Florida Schools

All schools, public and private, owe a duty of care to their students to maintain a safe environment, which includes preventing harm caused by foreseeably dangerous conditions. Depending on the circumstances, this could entail taking actions like blocking access to wet floors, keeping toxic chemicals under lock and key, keeping playground equipment in safe condition, and properly supervising students. Schools are also required to adequately screen staff members working with children to prevent adults with a history of child molestation and abuse from gaining access to vulnerable children.

Damages Available When Schools are Negligent

When a school fails to fulfill its duties to students with respect to their safety, the school may be held liable for the consequences. In the civil law system, the goal when someone suffers a loss is to return that person to the state they were in before the loss.

However, when a student suffers an injury, it is not possible to rewind the past and undo the injury. Instead, the law allows for the provision of monetary compensation to make up for both economic and noneconomic harm suffered.

Economic damages consist of compensation for objective losses such as medical expenses and future medical needs. Non-economic damages would include compensation for intangible losses such as emotional anguish and pain. A skilled Florida lawyer can help calculate the value of different consequences for a child’s injury at school, including potential needs and expenses or reduced income in the future.

Consult a Knowledgeable Florida Child Injuries at School Attorney

When a child’s injury could have been prevented if school personnel had exercised reasonable care, the situation can be heartbreaking. While it is important to focus on receiving medical care and working toward recovery, it is also wise to consider how to provide for long-term needs.

A Florida child injuries at school lawyer can evaluate your case, work to collect evidence of liability on the part of your child’s school, and represent your family’s interests in negotiations or in court. After calculating the various factors that go into a claim, your compassionate legal counsel can help evaluate settlement offers to determine whether they provide fair and adequate compensation. Call today to get started.