Errors in Treating Cervical Cancer in Florida

Tools for diagnosing and treating cervical cancer have advanced substantially in the last decade. Improvements in modern medicine have significantly reduced the mortality rate for some cancers. Unfortunately, despite scientific advances, medical errors and misdiagnosis can still lead to delayed diagnosis in cancer treatment.

When a doctor or lab fails to use the tools at their disposal or misuses them, patients may suffer injury and run a higher risk of fatality. If a physician’s errors in treating cervical cancer in Florida have negatively impacted your life, you may be able to recover compensation with the assistance of a qualified cervical cancer medical malpractice attorneyEn Español.

Statute of Limitations for Florida Cases

A patient whose cancer is treated incorrectly has the legal right to file a malpractice lawsuit against their healthcare providers. What many potential plaintiffs may not be aware of is that state law limits how much time you have to exercise these rights. A claim that is not filed within the legal time-frame defined in Florida Revised Statutes §95.11 may bar an injured patient from seeking damages from responsible parties.

A claimant who has suffered errors in treating cervical cancer in Florida must file their civil claim within two years of the date of discovering or when they should have discovered their injury. This statute offers some leniency and states that no more than four years can pass before a patient files a malpractice suit. If a doctor’s errors occur during a series of treatments, the statute begins on the last day of the final session.

Examples of Negligence in Cervical Cancer Treatment

A physician who discovers that a patient has cervical cancer must take many factors into account to determine the best course of treatment for that individual. The most effective treatments are customized to fulfil every patient’s needs. Cervical cancer can be treated by chemotherapy, radiation, and removing a portion of the cervix.

Errors in treating cervical cancer in Florida could stem from a doctor’s failure to:

  • Take a detailed patient history
  • Complete a thorough physical exam
  • Communicate with the patient
  • Refer to the proper specialists
  • Correctly read pap smears or other types of laboratory testing
  • Correspond with physicians, other members of the healthcare team, and medical facilities

Physician Liability for Cervical Cancer Treatment Errors

All physicians have an inherent duty to treat patients with the same standard of care as another reasonably prudent doctor would under similar circumstances. A medical care provider who breaches this duty could be held liable for negligence.

However, it takes more than just negligence to justify a lawsuit. A claimant and their Florida attorney must also prove that their doctor’s breach of duty directly resulted in their injuries.
For example, a physician who makes an error in the treatment they prescribe could allow their patient’s cancer to progress, which may necessitate a hysterectomy. When a medical care provider’s errors in treating cervical cancer in Florida patients leads to otherwise avoidable damages, it is best to consult a skilled lawyer who is familiar with this type of malpractice.

Speak with an Attorney about Errors in Treating Cervical Cancer in Florida

Experienced legal counsel could offer professional advice about what to do when a trusted physician makes detrimental errors in treating cervical cancer in Florida patients. Let a dedicated legal representative compile relevant evidence and pursue compensation on your behalf. To get your case started, call our firm today.